The Timbits Story


Dear partners,

We are so happy to introduce Timbits sports to your children as they start their journey inathletics. This is truly the best part of the Tim Hortons brand, and we have the honor ofclaiming it as our own. Did you know that Timbits sports, started in Riverview, NewBrunswick, with the very first Timbits team sponsorship in 1982? The story is best told bythe founder, Gary O’Neill ( TimbitSports is now available all across Canada and in select areas throughout The UnitedStates. 

As your local franchise owners, our main marketing focus is on the community. TimbitsSports is one of several programs we use to celebrate our love for our community. Wesee most of our customers every day all through southeastern New Brunswick and wethank you for our success. In turn, we focus on our grassroots involvement that supportsfamilies and causes in all our communities.

We are honored to be able to help fund your local baseball, soccer, and hockeyprograms, which provide children with the necessary uniforms and coaching aids to playthe sports they enjoy. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the smile on a child’sface as they play their favourite sport. When they receive their medal at one of ournumerous jamborees, it is a great sign of accomplishment for them. The values that thesechildren learn through sports will stick with them throughout their lives. As always, thefirst goal is to have fun, make friends, and learn a game we all love. 

We would appreciate your help as we spread the word about this well-received program.There are still many people who are not aware of our local history and community impact.If your team has a website or Facebook page, we would love to see your photos! Sharepictures of your practices and games and tag us @Coreycraiggroup. By sharing yourphotos with us online, we are all able to celebrate these moments together. This helps uscontinue the work we do year-round.

Thank you for your help, and have a great season;

Your team at the Corey Craig Group